Thursday, October 28, 2010

Week 9 Video reviews

           The Drawings of Michelangelo
1)      I selected this video because I was always intrigued by his works.
2)      I was surprised to learn that most of the sketches that Michelangelo drew were destroyed by him, a testament as to how much of a perfectionist he really was. I was also fascinated to learn how much his finished works in the Sistine Chapel differed from the sketches. He added much Humanistic characters to the paintings after the sketches, like showing veins and other 3 dimensional qualities. I didn’t know that he was gay either.
3)      This video relates to the readings in the text because Michelangelo seemed to try and add a Humanistic approach to his paintings in order to show realism.

1)      I selected this video for the same reason as above. I was always fascinated by his works.
2)      I learned the Leonardo was able to learn under his master, and then in no time at all, surpass his master’s work. His master vowed to never paint again,. Because he was so humiliated. I also never knew that he was passed over on more than one occasion to do work. His thought was because he believed he was not “well read”. In his quest to understand man, he was the first to carry out true dissection of people. His use of line perspective in the Last Supper was a breakthrough in the making. He had many inventions
3)      This video relates to the readings in the class this week because we had learned about the Italian and American Renaissance and Leonardo was a Renaissance man.
          La Primavera (Botticelli)  
1)      I selected this video because I knew nothing about this person prior to engaging the readings in the book this week. I wanted to learn more.
2)      I learned about the La Primavera. I never imagined that a single work would have caused so much controversy. It contains a cast of all Gods in it.  The painting was believed to be painted for the marriage of Francesco Di Lorenzo (???) It is believed by some to be about spring, some about fall and yet others about sexual explosion.
3)      This relates to the readings of this week in the way that it displays Neo-Platonism and Humanism.
            Albrecht Dürer: Image of a Master

1)       I selected this video because it was next on the list.
2)      He was a pioneer for the Northern Renaissance. He loved to paint hands. He grasped the mood of landscape. He traveled to Venice, where there was a Mecca of artists. He was able to Humanize his prints, giving them expression.
3)      This relates to the reading as Huminism was one of our topics for reading this week.

4)      ( All Videos)
I think that all 4 of these videos greatly impacted my learning this week. They really explained some of the topics we read about by letting us see the topics rather than read about them.

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