Thursday, October 7, 2010

Week 6 - Video Reviews

 The first video showed and rehashed how sculpting is a craft. Its something that comes from the heart, like other hand crafts. It is nothing that is mass produced. The readings related to the book, in exactly the way I hjave previously mentioned. The book tells us that it is not a fine art, but a craft. I thought the films were OK for the course, again, not my cup of tea, but they were sufficient in allowing me to understand the concepts of the Chapters.

For the second video, on glass, I learned how to actually make glass. I had heard of creating glass with lightning rods on the beach, but seeing it was very interesting. I especially like the part on creating the Stain glass with lead. Thi also follows the book in that Glass Blowers are a craftmanship job, but there are simpler creations of glass that are mass produced.

For the 3rd video, i learned that installation art is actually art that is created for only the space in which it is created. It does not work anywhere else, but where it is.It makes you take into consideration the 3 dimensional space that normally you would not notice. This film most definitely helped me understand what Instalation art is.

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