Saturday, October 2, 2010

Week 5 Art Gallery visit

Bucolistic Landscape, Milton Avry, Oil on canvas, 1945

George Washington and 3 Indian Heads,John Wesley, Oil on canvas, 1963

Kill Yourseld, Nancy Dwyer, Vinyl paint on canvas, 2008

Saw and Sawed, Neil Jenney, Acrylic on Canvas, 1969

Carcass of Beef, Chaim Soutine, oil on canvas, 1925

A Glimpse of Notre Dame, Henri Matisse, Oil on paper on canvas, 1912

Tow path at Argenteuil, Claude Monet, oil on canvas, 1875
Dyanism of Dog on a Leash,Giacomo Ball, oil on canvas, 1912

The Marvelous Sauce, Jehan Georges Vilert,oil on wood panel, 1890
 For the most part I felt  drawn to paintings more than sculptures. I also seemed to be drawn to  Nature items. Anyway the 3 works that I photographed that had an impact on me where Kill Yourself, Tow Path, and Dyanism.  The impact from Kill Yourself was pretty self evident, it just made me think. The power of suggestion. Tow Path had an impact on me as it reminds me of Buffalo in the Fall, which it is now. It reminds me of our waterfront. Dyanism impacted me for a few reasons. First, It made me see "motion" which we just learned about, secondly I used to own a Scottich Terrier.

Connections - I felt connections to Saw and Sawed, The Marvelous Sauce, and Carcass of Beef. The connections I felt were all personal. Saw and Sawed reminds me of cutting wood in my backyard for my wood burner. Carcass of Beef reminds me of hunting season, which it is, and finally The Marvelous Sauce connects with me because I work part time in an Italian Restaraunt.

The remaining 3, I enjoyed but didnt understand too much so I wouldnt mind seeing more information on them. Bucolic Landscape, why print a picture of a cow? Indian Heads, I didnt see George Wsahington in the print, and the Glimpse of Notre Dame Ive never been there, but this reminded me a lot of the video we watched for class about the woman who painted a Venice picture.


  1. Bucolic Landscape is my favorite in the entire gallery but then again cows are my favorite animal and I think they are truly beautiful creatures. I liked in your post that you could really find something gin each painting that you could relate to something else.

  2. Saw and Sawed is a great piece of art. It is not what you would normally think someone would create. I too love to go out and chop fire wood. These are all great photos too.

  3. I like the paintings you chose. It shows some of your interest. I think it is nice that we can feel connected to artwork created by another artist as though they were speaking to us.
