Thursday, October 28, 2010

Week 9 Video reviews

           The Drawings of Michelangelo
1)      I selected this video because I was always intrigued by his works.
2)      I was surprised to learn that most of the sketches that Michelangelo drew were destroyed by him, a testament as to how much of a perfectionist he really was. I was also fascinated to learn how much his finished works in the Sistine Chapel differed from the sketches. He added much Humanistic characters to the paintings after the sketches, like showing veins and other 3 dimensional qualities. I didn’t know that he was gay either.
3)      This video relates to the readings in the text because Michelangelo seemed to try and add a Humanistic approach to his paintings in order to show realism.

1)      I selected this video for the same reason as above. I was always fascinated by his works.
2)      I learned the Leonardo was able to learn under his master, and then in no time at all, surpass his master’s work. His master vowed to never paint again,. Because he was so humiliated. I also never knew that he was passed over on more than one occasion to do work. His thought was because he believed he was not “well read”. In his quest to understand man, he was the first to carry out true dissection of people. His use of line perspective in the Last Supper was a breakthrough in the making. He had many inventions
3)      This video relates to the readings in the class this week because we had learned about the Italian and American Renaissance and Leonardo was a Renaissance man.
          La Primavera (Botticelli)  
1)      I selected this video because I knew nothing about this person prior to engaging the readings in the book this week. I wanted to learn more.
2)      I learned about the La Primavera. I never imagined that a single work would have caused so much controversy. It contains a cast of all Gods in it.  The painting was believed to be painted for the marriage of Francesco Di Lorenzo (???) It is believed by some to be about spring, some about fall and yet others about sexual explosion.
3)      This relates to the readings of this week in the way that it displays Neo-Platonism and Humanism.

1)       I selected this video because it was next on the list.
2)      He was a pioneer for the Northern Renaissance. He loved to paint hands. He grasped the mood of landscape. He traveled to Venice, where there was a Mecca of artists. He was able to Humanize his prints, giving them expression.
3)      This relates to the reading as Huminism was one of our topics for reading this week.

4)      ( All Videos)
I think that all 4 of these videos greatly impacted my learning this week. They really explained some of the topics we read about by letting us see the topics rather than read about them.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Week7 -video Review

1)    For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.

Prairie – I actually learned about the creation of this style of house, how everything relates to horizontal lines, how the house is part of the environment. It was pretty cool.

Science of Design – I learned how to make concrete, always a plus for an art class.

 Classical Architecture – This video I didn’t really learn to make anything, but I did learn how the Classical styles influenced other countries.
2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
The first video most definitely relates to the text because Frank Lloyd Wright’s style and designs of the Prairie House reflect the single most influential changes in architecture in almost 300 years. He was a pioneer.
The second video relates to the text because the text describes for us how different architectural styles used different building materials. Concrete was a new material as was Portland cement. The massive strength resistance that concrete has, allowed for a large diversity of shapes and spans of buildings to be created.
The 3rd video is of importance because it talks about bringing classical styles to England. It also talks the Arch, the Vault etc. This is discussed in pretty good depth in the book.
3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of Architecture? I think the films for this section were excellent. I think SEEING the construction processes and actually “walking” through architecture gave me a much needed understanding of what I was reading.
4. From the group of four that you had a choice: Why did you choose that film? It was first on the list and I liked the title...

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Installation - Steve Teller

3A)   Installation art is simply when space is presented as a work of art that can be entered, explored, experienced and reflected upon.
3B)  there are many materials that can be used in Installation art. These include Clay, sculpture, colors assembling shapes or furniture etc…
3C)  Installation art is created because people want the audience to feel and experience the art to feel as though they are a part of the piece.
3D) the artist I found most interesting was the woman that was self committed to a mental institution. I liked her Polka-dot room of yellow and black.

4A) I liked the piece that showed the urinal in the middle of the floor. This gave me ideas.
4B) I wanted to explore the Daily Life theme in my installation
4C) the materials I used were not colors or chalk or strings, but pieces of furniture and dishes and silverware etc.
4D) The installation is located in my bathroom. I chose this location because the image I wanted to show was something out of the ordinary daily life.

                My installation shows a meal being served in a bathroom. This is normally the last room in a house that people would eat in. I thought it pulled in the viewer because it’s a meal; people need to eat, playing on the hunger.

                I put the installation in the bathroom, because this shows a massive contrast to what most people would think is normal. It makes you think because the two items are not related. It makes you want to sit down until you figure out where you are. You become part of the meal. Then, you wonder why it is in the bathroom. It uses all the free space the room has to offer, but there still seems like room for a person. I loved doing this.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Week 6 - Video Reviews

 The first video showed and rehashed how sculpting is a craft. Its something that comes from the heart, like other hand crafts. It is nothing that is mass produced. The readings related to the book, in exactly the way I hjave previously mentioned. The book tells us that it is not a fine art, but a craft. I thought the films were OK for the course, again, not my cup of tea, but they were sufficient in allowing me to understand the concepts of the Chapters.

For the second video, on glass, I learned how to actually make glass. I had heard of creating glass with lightning rods on the beach, but seeing it was very interesting. I especially like the part on creating the Stain glass with lead. Thi also follows the book in that Glass Blowers are a craftmanship job, but there are simpler creations of glass that are mass produced.

For the 3rd video, i learned that installation art is actually art that is created for only the space in which it is created. It does not work anywhere else, but where it is.It makes you take into consideration the 3 dimensional space that normally you would not notice. This film most definitely helped me understand what Instalation art is.

Week 6 - Blog Reviews  I agreed with the depiction of the Elements and Principles.  I didnt notice  any other Elemnts or Principles than what was described in the captions. That means, I would bnot have reclassified any of the photos to another Element or Principle. This person usedseveral of the same photos I used including the walking dog photo, and the cow. My take on the cow photo was VERY different than that of the photographers. I didnt care for it or understand it at all, whereas the photographer LOVED the piece. There were no pics that piqued my interest. I didnt find a new connection with any of his other photos. I do not find that reading someone elses reflection of art influences mine at all. I see what I see when I look at art.  There are no comments on my blog as of yet..

My second reveiwed sblog was below mine as the one above me had nothing in it.  This slide show was fantastic. I really like the way he captured moement with a rolling fore. It was cool. I did see a few other Elements and Principles in this blog than were accounted for in each pic. I thought the Sunset photo which represented line was also an excellent candidate for balance. For project 2, Emily and I did not use ONEof the same photos. It is interesting to see what types of pictures draw different people. The Niagara Falls photo poqued my interest a little I would say. I still dont think that reading someone elses reviews makes me judge art differently than how I already see it. Still no comments  as of yet on mine..

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Week 5 Art Gallery visit

Bucolistic Landscape, Milton Avry, Oil on canvas, 1945

George Washington and 3 Indian Heads,John Wesley, Oil on canvas, 1963

Kill Yourseld, Nancy Dwyer, Vinyl paint on canvas, 2008

Saw and Sawed, Neil Jenney, Acrylic on Canvas, 1969

Carcass of Beef, Chaim Soutine, oil on canvas, 1925

A Glimpse of Notre Dame, Henri Matisse, Oil on paper on canvas, 1912

Tow path at Argenteuil, Claude Monet, oil on canvas, 1875
Dyanism of Dog on a Leash,Giacomo Ball, oil on canvas, 1912

The Marvelous Sauce, Jehan Georges Vilert,oil on wood panel, 1890
 For the most part I felt  drawn to paintings more than sculptures. I also seemed to be drawn to  Nature items. Anyway the 3 works that I photographed that had an impact on me where Kill Yourself, Tow Path, and Dyanism.  The impact from Kill Yourself was pretty self evident, it just made me think. The power of suggestion. Tow Path had an impact on me as it reminds me of Buffalo in the Fall, which it is now. It reminds me of our waterfront. Dyanism impacted me for a few reasons. First, It made me see "motion" which we just learned about, secondly I used to own a Scottich Terrier.

Connections - I felt connections to Saw and Sawed, The Marvelous Sauce, and Carcass of Beef. The connections I felt were all personal. Saw and Sawed reminds me of cutting wood in my backyard for my wood burner. Carcass of Beef reminds me of hunting season, which it is, and finally The Marvelous Sauce connects with me because I work part time in an Italian Restaraunt.

The remaining 3, I enjoyed but didnt understand too much so I wouldnt mind seeing more information on them. Bucolic Landscape, why print a picture of a cow? Indian Heads, I didnt see George Wsahington in the print, and the Glimpse of Notre Dame Ive never been there, but this reminded me a lot of the video we watched for class about the woman who painted a Venice picture.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Logo design - steve Teller

this pic shows 5 early versions of my logo they are described below

this was the first i wanted something that showed parts of the whole

this pic shows another version of parts of the whole including a bubble for each letter in my name STEVE T

This one is similar to the above but iwanted to literaly show a connection between the letters

This shape just popped into my head as i was connecting the dots

this was a blend of the lightning bolt and the segregated letters, it made me think of an EKG blip at a hospital

The final  logo. I used the lightning bolt idea, the segregation of the letters in my name, shading and balance in my final EKG lighning bolt logo. It symbolizes me as life and energy. 

another pic pf the final

yet another pic of the final

I thought creating the logo was  "OK" at best, it was a lot of brainstorming and im still not entirly sure that I like the finished product. I can still see "me" in the logo though.

I tried to think of things that people associated with me, things that I like etc. When it came down to it, I ended up just doodling and drawing shapes, then it started to take shape i went from circles to an EKG  THAT is transition. :-)

The most important dicovery that I made, was respect for designers. It was difficult in such a short time to brainstorm a lot, so I think that the people that can do it easily and well for a living are very talented.

The most important thing i learned in the videos and PPT were that in order to do a logo well, there is an immense amount of preperation and stages of creation involved. Everything must be fine tuned, in order to creat the finsihed product.