Thursday, November 18, 2010

Week 12 Video Review -Teller

1.    Explain why you selected each of the FOUR videos you choose from the selection listed above.
The Power of Art: Rothko– I chose this video because it has an interesting title.
Uncertainty: Modernity and Art– I chose this video because I wanted to learn about Modernity and Art other than what was read in the text this week.
Hockney on Photography – I chose this video because I am interested in learning more about this topic
Andy Warhol: Images of an Image - I chose this video because I am interested in learning more about this topic as well.

2.    For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
The Power of Art: Rothko
In this video I learned that he had killed himself. I did not previously know that fact.
I also learned he went to Yale, and dropped out. He believed that art could change the world.  I saw color field mapping and how he created his abstract paintings. They had no borders on some pieces and were not sedatives. He didn’t want his art to be silent, but moving. He was a major painter for artworks in the Four Seasons restaurant.
Uncertainty: Modernity and Art– I learned that Uncertainty: Modernity and Art is a part of everyday life. Civilization changes over the years as things modernize and art is no different. It is a main focus of abstract art where surfaces and appearances are deliberately left behind in the creation of the piece.
Hockney on Photography – This was a fascinating video. I saw how he actually drew photos with pictures. It was marvelous.
Andy Warhol: Images of an Image – This video was amazing.
I learned a step by step processes of silk screening, including the enlargement process and rinsing.
The Power of Art: Rothko This video relates to the book text for this weeks’ reading, in that shows how Abstract  perspectives are really the basis for a ideology that abstract art had been born.
Uncertainty: Modernity and Art– This video related to the readings as it re-emphasizes the point that Abstract art is deliberately open ended. “Taking a line for a walk” rather than purposefully forcing it to an ending position.
Hockney on Photography – This video relates to the readings because the camera was invented around the time of the Revolution which we just read about. It was also a new idea to draw with the camera, just as Expressionism was born in this era.
Andy Warhol: Images of an Image – This video relates to class work simply because it tells how Andy Warhol utilizes movie stars as his platform. He used silkscreen printing to mass produce prints, just like modern conveniences that were developed in the Industrial Revolution.
3.    What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts?
I like all the 4 films I watched for this section. The Andy Warhol: Images of an Image video made a pretty substantial impact on me. I think he may have been a little odd, but you can’t simply ignore his new technique of destroying and recreating images. I liked this video section a lot this time.

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